You can create your Canvas parent account prior to school starting by going to the following website and clicking on "Canvas for Parents": Canvas for Parents
You will click the area in the upper right corner to create a new account. Follow the directions and fill out the required information. At the bottom it is going to ask for your child's "Pairing Code." This can be found in the settings area if your child logs into Canvas. A detailed video explaining this process can be found at: Canvas video for parents (English) or if a Spanish version is needed that can be found here: Canvas video for parents (Spanish) .
Remember that your child's email address is in the following format: [email protected]
If your child's password needs to be reset please click on this website: Password Self Service
Un video grabado de un seminario web para PWCS padres. Aprenda a configurar su cuenta para Canvas. Explore el sitio web Canvas y aprenda el vocabulario. Vea cómo es una clase cuando observa a un ...